
Mike Abbott of Living Wood offers professional traditional chair making courses in a beautiful rural location in Herefordshire.

The Bodger's Barn offer green wood working introduction courses, chair making courses and forest schools in Dorset with Mace Bryant.

Steve Tomlin carves all sorts of interesting items in Devon.

Tom Vanstone of Devonoak does timber framing in the South West.

Mike Gardner Woodmanship does woodland management, timber framing, mobile saw milling, coppicing products and rustic furniture.

Ben Orford in Herefordshire runs green wood working courses and makes knives and craft tools.

The Association of Pole Lathe Turners has more information on the pole lathe and green wood working community in the UK.

Guy Mallinson runs green wood working and carving courses in Dorset. As featured on the BBC TV series Mastercrafts.